A Web Site Host basically provides THEIR computers for your web page files. The web pages are accessible on the Internet all day, every day 24/7. Those companies are called "web hosts" and what they do is called "web site hosting." The web host is responsible for the maintenance and security of their web server computers. A web host usually provides additional services, like email, data backups, technical support, statistics, and e-commerce functionality. Keeping the goals of your web site in mind, a web hosting company should be able to offer you the features that YOU need for your business, plus reliability, functionality, and a sure future for your web site. Usually, a web host charges a fee, and you can usually choose whether to pay their fee monthly, quarterly or annually, and sometimes biannually. A web host should not only reliably fit your needs, but should be competent, professional, and proven. Whether your site will be an information-only site, an interactive site, a collaborative site, an e-commerce site or any other kind of web site, you'll want to be sure that when your web site visitors click to your site, it will be active and online. There are many options available that vary from host to host. Blackwell Web Design is independent, and we can work with you to find a host with capabilities available at the time of your web site development. You can ask around and see what web site host your friends and business acquaintances are using for their web sites. We will help you develop a site with any web site host that you choose. The Website 101 pages are basic informational pages to provide an overview of some of the more standardized functions of most web sites. |